kak lin adlah antara crafter yg paling sy kagum! penah order skali ngan dia,hasilnya sgt3 superb! mmg best laa kalau dpt menang kad nie...ok2,nie syarat2nya kalau nk join :-
1. Anyone can join this giveaway. Blogger, facebooker, twitters.....practically anyone from all over the world. :) -yes!-
2. Just make a post about this giveaway at your blog or at your facebook or at your twitter. If you don't have a blog or facebook or twitter account, then just write your details at the comment box. - DONE!-
3. Write this details at the comment box :
- Your full name -DONE!-- Your email address -DONE!-
- The link to your post (if any) -DONE!-
The deadline for this giveaway is on 30th of January 2012. Winners of this giveaway will be picked randomly. I will be making an announcement on 31st of January 2012 to declare the winners. -fuhhh,berdebar nie-
and the gifts are :-
these 2 cute cards!!! i really want dis!!!!!!!!!! moga2 ada rezeki nak menang =) pray for me guys~ =)
p/s : sape2 yg nk join gk ley KLIK SINI atau klik pada gambar..tq =)