tempahan jahitan dibuka...kalau ada siapa2 yg nk order,ley laa email saya di sakura_blossom91@yahoo.com... anda akan dilayan dalam masa 24 jam...=)

Thursday, 8 November 2012


fuhhh fuhhh! it all dusty in here...it's been a while since i last updating my blog hihi what to say,tonnes of works to do...:)

i've made a few crafts things but since i'm so busy [really??] i'm likely to forget to update this blog...well these are somes of my handmade :) enjoyyy~ <3

if you like to order more or less the same,or any design of your wish...do not hesitate to email me at sakura_blossom91@yahoo.com

see you very soon [with some upgrading of this blog hopefully ;) ]

Wednesday, 11 January 2012

Lin Handmade Greeting Cards GA!!

kak lin adlah antara crafter yg paling sy kagum! penah order skali ngan dia,hasilnya sgt3 superb! mmg best laa kalau dpt menang kad nie...ok2,nie syarat2nya kalau nk join :-

1. Anyone can join this giveaway. Blogger, facebooker, twitters.....practically anyone from all over the world. :) -yes!-
2. Just make a post about this giveaway at your blog or at your facebook or at your twitter. If you don't have a blog or facebook or twitter account, then just write your details at the comment box. - DONE!-
3. Write this details at the comment box : 
    - Your full name -DONE!-
    - Your email address -DONE!-
    - The link to your post (if any) -DONE!-

The deadline for this giveaway is on 30th of January 2012. Winners of this giveaway will be picked randomly. I will be making an announcement on 31st of January 2012 to declare the winners. -fuhhh,berdebar nie-

and the gifts are :-

these 2 cute cards!!! i really want dis!!!!!!!!!!  moga2 ada rezeki nak menang =) pray for me guys~ =)

p/s : sape2 yg nk join gk ley KLIK SINI atau klik pada gambar..tq =)